Why should you provide Guest WiFi in your establishment?
If you run a Bar, Restaurant or Coffee Shop, you can use free WiFi to capture customer data, allowing you to create a new and engaging experience every time someone connects, promoting your own products or even selling advertising.

Transform your Coffee Shop, Bar or Restaurant’s wifi into a data capture machine

So why make the move to the I.T. Business Ltd?
Using our service is easy. It works brilliantly in any public venue and can be managed remotely by our experts.
Call us on 0116 2823344 to discuss your first steps in managed guest WiFi with The I.T. Business Ltd or complete our contact us form and a member of the team will be in touch.

Capture Key data
Using Social media or a custom login form, you can collect key data such as Name, Email and Date of Birth.
Easy to Connect
Providing easy access to the internet whilst Customers relax in your establishment provides a more desirable environment for them.
Push Marketing
We use push marketing to send promotions to your customers’ phones whilst they are using your Guest WiFi.
Service you Control
we provide businesses with the tools and flexibility.
Gather User Data
a smart way to provide seamless internet access while capturing valuable user information.
Marketing & Promotions
Enhance customer experiences and drive growth.
Make it Personal
Send a personlised email to your customers on their birthday inviting them to visit for special birthday treats.
Extra Income Stream
Sell advertising to your business partners, whether you want them to pay per month or per impression, it’s up to you!
Customised User Experience
When guests connect to WiFi, your branded login page will appear on their smartphone, tablet or lapto, which is great for branding.

Guest Wifi Customers